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Math in Society, 2nd Edition: Tools for decision making

Section 1.5 Problem Solving

Figure 1.5.1. Alternative Video Lesson

Subsection 1.5.1 A Problem Solving Process

In this section we will outline a problem solving process and see how number sense and operation sense tie into the process. As in real life, we focus on problems that have a trade-off or more than one right answer as much as possible.
There are many ways to write a problem solving process, and this is just one example. Some of the important elements are breaking down complex issues into manageable parts, following a logical reasoning process, and using creativity to consider all the possibilities. In real life, problem solving is often an iterative process so evaluation and refinement are important elements as well.

A Problem Solving Process.

  1. Identify the question(s) you’re trying to answer. Do any research needed to understand the context.
  2. Identify the information you have and any information you may need. Look up or estimate any missing information. Estimate the range of reasonable answers.
  3. Brainstorm and try out different mathematical tools to see what might be helpful. Use manipulatives, visuals or tables whenever possible. All ideas are useful, even if they don’t work out.
  4. Choose one method to continue and get a potential solution.
  5. Check whether your solution makes sense. Is it reasonable? Can you get there a different way to confirm your answer? Return to Steps 1-5 as needed. When finished, explain your conclusion.
Let’s illustrate this process using an example of a decision you may need to make.

Example 1.5.2.

You’re comparing two healthcare plans to select one of them for the next year. Plan A has a $200 monthly premium and a $1000 deductible, and plan B has a $150 monthly premium and a $2400 deductible. Which plan is more cost effective and why?
There are many ways to approach a problem like this, so this is one example. Please feel free to try it on your own first before you click on or read our solution. In the online version we have a solution link for each step to reveal one step at a time. You’ll see that we go through the steps more than once.
Solution 1. Step 1: The question and context
The question we need to answer is which plan is cheaper overall. We also need to make sure we understand all the insurance vocabulary used here.
  • A premium is the amount paid for the health insurance plan (usually monthly) and does not go toward any healthcare used.
  • A deductible is the amount that a customer must pay of their healthcare used before the insurance company will start paying.
Solution 2. Step 2: The information and estimation
We are given the monthly premiums and deductibles for each plan. We will assume this is for one person. Most plans have a separate deductible for each person so making this decision for a family could be an extension of this problem. You might also need to know how much you usually spend on healthcare per year. We will proceed without this for now and return to this step if it becomes relevant. Let’s restate the information we have:
Plan A:
  • Premium: $200 per month
  • Deductible: $1000 per year
Plan B:
  • Premium: $150 per month
  • Deductible: $2400 per year
We estimate the yearly cost to be in the thousands for each plan. If we got an amount less than a thousand or more then $6,000 we would be surprised and double check our work.
Solution 3. Step 3: Consider possible methods
We could compare the two plans on a yearly basis, monthly basis, or make a table.
Solution 4. Step 4: Choose a method to continue
Let’s try calculating the cost of each plan per year.
Plan A:
\(\$200\cdot12\) months \(=\$2400\) per year for premiums
Then add \(\$1000\) for the deductible
The total cost is \(\$2400 + \$1000 = \$3400\) per year.
Plan B:
\(\$150\cdot12\) months \(=\$1800\) per year for premiums
Then add \(\$2400\) for the deductible
The total cost is \(\$1800 + \$2400 = \$4200\) per year.
So Plan A is cheaper, right? Well, we bet you are thinking it depends.
Solution 5. Step 5: Check for a reasonable answer
We double checked our math and total amount for each plan is within our original estimate. The totals are not too large or too small to make sense. However, there is another factor to consider. What if you don’t use your whole deductible in a year? We noticed that the premiums alone are cheaper for Plan B, so if no healthcare is used during a year then Plan B would be cheaper.
Solution 6. Step 2 Again: Estimate missing information
You could look back at your records and determine how much you usually spend on healthcare each year (the amount billed to insurance). You would also want to consider whether anything might be different in the coming year.
Solution 7. Step 3 Again: Consider possible methods
We could try some values to see which plan was cheaper, and even find the billed amount that switches from Plan B being cheaper to Plan A being cheaper. In order to do this in a systematic way, we will make a table. It might be very useful to get a sense of the range of values where each plan is more cost effective.
Solution 8. Step 4 Again: Choose a method to continue
To make a table, we will start with $0 in billed healthcare and go up from there. To be more efficient, we will start with increments of $200 and go smaller if needed. A spreadsheet would also be a great tool for this. We will learn about and use spreadsheets in the financial math chapter.
To fill in our table we will use the same calculation we did before and combine the two steps into one. For $0 in billed healthcare we have this calculation for each plan.
Plan A:
Plan B:
Continuing that for each healthcare amount, we fill in this table:
Healthcare Billed Plan A Plan B
$0 $2400 $1800
$200 $2600 $2000
$400 $2800 $2200
$600 $3000 $2400
$800 $3200 $2600
$1000 $3400 $2800
$1200 $3400 $3000
$1400 $3400 $3200
$1600 $3400 $3400
$1800 $3400 $3600
$2000 $3400 $3800
Solution 9. Step 5 Again: Check for a reasonable answer and explain the conclusion
We completed the table and noticed some patterns that help us verify that our values are correct. Each value goes up by $200 per row, until the deductible is met. We also marked the cheaper option in each row in bold and found the row where both plans have the same cost.
Now we can see that Plan B starts out cheaper from $0 to $1600 in healthcare cost. The plans are equal at $1600 and Plan A saves you money after $1600. Having this full picture can help you choose what is best for you in the coming year. If you estimate you will have less than $1600 in billed healthcare, then it would be cheaper to select Plan B. If you think it is more likely you will have more than $1600 in the coming year, then Plan A would be cheaper.
Some plans have copays and/or co-insurance amounts so adding those in could also be an extension of this situation. This decision also has an element of risk or uncertainty and we will learn additional tools to work with that in the probability chapter.

Subsection 1.5.2 Operation Sense

In the problem we just did, notice what came intuitively to you. Did you have a sense for which plan would be cheaper? Did you intuitively know that we would use multiplication and addition? These operations are common in totalling values. They also make positive values larger. Operation sense is understanding what mathematical operations do and when to use them. There are many words and phrases that translate to certain operations and results in math. In this class you’ll be using and practicing your operation sense to determine what steps to take.
In this table we list some words and phrases that can indicate each operation, and what will happen as a result. Here we focus on operations with positive numbers, but some of our problems may use negative quantities as well. As an extension, see if you can explain why we get the results from each operation (especially multiplication and division) and what would happen with negative numbers.
Operation Key phrases Result
Add, total, sum, increased by, together, altogether, all together, how many in all, plus, combined, and, both
When adding positive numbers, the answer is larger than the numbers being added.
Minus, subtract, difference, change in, decreased by, fewer than, lost, reduced by, spent, remain, take away, how many are left, need, less
Subtracting a positive number from another gives a smaller result.
Times, double, triple, each group, every, multiply by, area, volume, factor of, product of, of, by, total for repeated patterns with per
Multiplying positive numbers larger than one makes the result larger. Multiplying a positive number by a positive number less than one makes it smaller.
Per, percent, rate, divide, out of, over, average, ratio of, quotient, how many in each, half, quarter, other fraction words
Dividing a positive number by a positive number larger than one makes the result smaller. Dividing a positive number by a positive number less than one makes it bigger.

Example 1.5.3.

Determine which operation(s) you would use for each situation. There may be more than one correct answer.
  1. How many dollars of your paycheck you have left to spend.
  2. The amount of sugar you need if you are cutting a recipe in half.
  3. The number of tables you need for a large event.
  4. How much you’ve spent on streaming services in the last two years.
  1. To calculate what you have left, you would subtract what you’ve already spent from your paycheck amount. You may need to use addition to total what you’ve already spent.
  2. To cut a recipe in half, we would either divide by 2 or multiply by one half.
  3. To calculate the number of tables, we would divide the number of guests by the number of seats at each table.
  4. To calculate the total spent on streaming services, we would likely multiply the monthly amount by the number of months. For multiple services we would add them together.

Subsection 1.5.3 Number Sense and Estimation

Another skill you have or are building is number sense. This has to do with understanding the size or magnitude of numbers, and patterns or relationships between numbers. A very useful tool when problem solving is using your number sense to estimate the result.
Before you start, how large or small do you expect the answer to be? Would it be positive or negative? Do you expect a number less than one, a number in the hundreds, or in the millions? It is very important to come back at the end of a problem and use your number sense to make sure your answer seems reasonable.

Example 1.5.4.

Estimate a reasonable range of values for each situation.
  1. The weight of a stack of paving stones in the back of an SUV.
  2. The number of people who can fit in a standard elevator.
  3. The total revenue for one showing of a movie at a theater.
  4. The number of scales on a fish.
We haven’t given many details here, so there is a wide range of possible answers. Sometimes it is more useful to think of answers that would not make sense.
  1. The weight would be positive and we think it would have to be less than a couple thousand pounds.
  2. The number of people would be 0 to maybe 20, depending on the size of the elevator.
  3. The movie revenue would be between 0 and a few thousand dollars. Of course this depends on the size of the theater.
  4. Without looking it up, we think it would be in the thousands or maybe ten-thousands. Of course it depends on the type and size of the fish, but we don’t think it would be in the hundred-thousands or millions.
Now that we have gone through an example using the problem solving process and talked about operations and number sense, we will continue with more mathematical tools to use in making decisions. We will talk about unit conversions and geometry and add in percents and proportions from previous sections.

Subsection 1.5.4 Solving Problems with Unit Conversions

Many situations also require unit conversions. Here are some common conversion rates used.

Unit Conversions for Length.

1 foot (ft) = 12 inches (in)
1 mile (mi) = 5,280 feet (ft)
1000 millimeters (mm) = 1 meter (m)
1000 meters (m) = 1 kilometer (km)
1 yard (yd) = 3 feet (ft)
2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch (in)
100 centimeters (cm) = 1 meter (m)

Unit Conversions for Weight and Mass.

1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)
1000 millgrams (mg) = 1 gram (g)
1 US ton = 2000 pounds (lbs)
1000 grams (g) = 1 kilogram (kg)
1 kilogram (kg) \(\approx\) 2.2 pounds (lbs) in Earth’s gravity

Unit Conversions for Volume and Capacity.

1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts (qt)
1 quart (qt) = 2 pints (pt)
1 pint (pt) = 2 cups (c)
1000 milliliters (ml) = 1 liter (L)
1 cup (c) = 8 fluid ounces (fl oz)
1 cup (c) = 16 Tablespoons (T)
1 Tablespoon (T) = 3 Teaspoons (t)
Note: Fluid ounces are a capacity measurement for liquids. 1 fluid ounce weighs about 1 ounce for water only.
Unit conversions use rates so we will be multiplying or dividing. We can use our number sense to determine which operation to use, or we can line up the units to help us. Here we will line up the units to show you how. This is called dimensional analysis. Each conversion factor can be written two ways. For example, since 1 pint is equal to 2 cups, both of these fractions are equal to 1.
\begin{equation*} \frac{1\text{ pint}}{2\text{ cups}}=\frac{2\text{ cups}}{1\text{ pint}}=1 \end{equation*}
We can multiply by either one of these by lining up the units we want to cancel out. Because the rate is equal to 1, the value stays equivalent in the new units. Let’s look at an example.

Example 1.5.5.

Your dog was stung by a bee and your veterinarian recommended you give them Benedryl. The dosage is 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and you want to double check the dose. Your dog weighs 54 pounds and the tablets are 25 mg each. How many tablets should you give your dog?
First we will convert the pounds to kilograms by setting up the pounds to cancel out.
\begin{equation*} 54\,\cancel{\mathrm{ pounds}}\cdot\frac{1\text{ kilogram}}{2.2\,\cancel{\mathrm{ pounds}}}\approx 24.55\text{ kilograms} \end{equation*}
Then we multiply that by the dosage, setting up the kilograms to cancel.
\begin{equation*} 24.55\,\cancel{\mathrm{ kilograms}}\cdot\frac{2\text{ milligrams}}{1\,\cancel{\mathrm{ kilogram}}}\approx 49.1\text{ milligrams} \end{equation*}
Or we can also do this in one step
\begin{equation*} 54\,\cancel{\mathrm{ pounds}}\cdot\frac{1\,\cancel{\mathrm{ kilogram}}}{2.2\,\cancel{\mathrm{ pounds}}}\cdot\frac{2\text{ milligrams}}{1\,\cancel{\mathrm{ kilogram}}}\approx 49.1\text{ milligrams} \end{equation*}
You should give your dog about 49.1 milligrams. Since the tablets are 25 mg each, we will divide 49.1 mg by 25 mg.
\begin{equation*} \frac{49.1\,\cancel{\mathrm{ mg}}}{25\,\cancel{\mathrm{ mg}}}\approx 1.96\text{ tablets} \end{equation*}
Check with your vet to make sure it’s within an acceptable range, but it looks like you should give your dog 2 tablets. There are also liquid forms of medication to avoid giving partial tablets.

Subsection 1.5.5 Solving Problems with Geometry

If there are geometric shapes in a problem we may need to look up some formulas. Here are a few of the most common.

Perimeter and Area.

Perimeter = \(2L + 2W\text{ units}\)
Area = \(L\cdot W\text{ units}^2\)
Circumference = \(2\pi r\text{ units}\)
Area = \(\pi r^2\text{ units}^2\)
A rectangle with the width labeled W and the length labeled L.
A circle with the radius labeled r.


Rectangular Box
Volume = \(L\cdot W\cdot H\text{ units}^3\)
Volume = \(\pi r^2 H\text{ units}^3\)
A rectangular box with the width labeled W, length labeled L, and height labeled H
A cylinder with the radius labeled r and height labeled H

Example 1.5.6.

You need to replace the boards on your deck and you’d like to do it yourself to save money. You want to estimate how much you will need to save up for the wood.
Step 1: We want to know how much the wood for the deck will cost. In building and construction, estimates usually add 10% for parts of boards that don’t get used so we will do that as well.
Step 2: We need to know the size and shape of the deck, the type of boards and cost per board. You measure your deck and it’s a 16-foot by 24-foot rectangle. Looking up prices online, you find 5⁄4-inch by 4-inch by 8-foot cedar deck boards for $11.99 each. We will estimate the cost of the wood to be in the thousands of dollars, possibly about $1000-3000.
Step 3: There are a few approaches we could take to this problem: 1) Go out to your deck and count the boards, 2) calculate the number of boards you will need using the area of the deck, or 3) calculate the area of the deck and find the approximate cost per square foot for deck boards.
Step 4: Option 3 seems like the most efficient approach so we will try that. The area of the deck is
\begin{equation*} 16\text{ feet} \cdot 24\text{ feet} = 384\text{ feet}^2 \end{equation*}
To find the cost per square foot for decking boards, we could compute the area of the top of a single board, and then divide the cost by the area. Since the width of a board is 4 inches we also need to convert that into feet. So the area of a single board is
\begin{equation*} 8\text{ feet}\cdot\left(4\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}}\cdot\frac{1\text{ foot}}{12\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}}}\right)=2.667\text{ ft}^2 \end{equation*}
The cost per square foot of one board is
\begin{equation*} \frac{\$11.99}{2.667\text{ ft}^2}\approx \$4.4957\text{ per square foot} \end{equation*}
This will allow us to estimate the material cost for the whole deck by multiplying
\begin{equation*} 384\,\cancel{\mathrm{ feet}^2}\cdot\frac{\$4.4957}{\cancel{\mathrm{ feet}^2}}\approx\$1{,}726.35 \end{equation*}
Then we will add 10% to the cost. We can calculate the 10% and then add, or multiply by 1.10.
\begin{equation*} \$1{,}726.35(1.10)\approx \$1{,}898.99 \end{equation*}
Step 5: This answer is reasonable and fits with our original estimate. You should save up or set aside about $1900 for this project. This is just the cost of the wood and doesn’t include nails, screws or any foundation materials.
For confirmation with a second method, we could use option 2. If we divide the deck area by the board area that should tell us approximately how many boards we need. This calculation would also be necessary when you go to make the purchase. We divide
\begin{equation*} \frac{384\,\cancel{\mathrm{ feet}^2}}{2.667\,\cancel{\mathrm{ feet}^2}}=143.98\text{ boards} \end{equation*}
Then adding 10% to that will tell us how many boards to buy.
\begin{equation*} 143.98(1.10)\approx 158.389\text{ boards} \end{equation*}
If you round up to 159 boards the cost will be
\begin{equation*} 159(\$11.99)\approx \$1{,}906.41 \end{equation*}
This cost is very close to our other method but slightly higher because we are taking full boards into consideration. Using two methods we can say you should save about $1,900-2,000 for the wood decking.

Example 1.5.7.

You are making many pizzas for a large party. Your favorite recipe makes 20 ounces of dough for two 12-inch diameter pizzas. You want the pizzas to be larger for the party so you plan to make six 16-inch pizzas. How much dough do you need and by what factor should you multiply or scale the recipe?
Step 1: We want to find out how much dough is needed in total and how to scale the recipe. For this context we need to consider how the weight of the dough will scale. The weight is based on the volume of the dough, but the size is based on just the top or bottom of the pizza. Since this is your favorite dough, we assume the thickness of the crust should be the same.
Step 2: To estimate a reasonable answer we will switch to pounds because we have more number sense with pounds.
\begin{equation*} 20\,\cancel{\mathrm{ ounces}}\cdot\frac{1\text{ pound}}{16\,\cancel{\mathrm{ ounces}}}=1.25\text{ pounds} \end{equation*}
Twenty ounces is 1.25 pounds, so with three times as many pizzas that are larger in diameter, we will estimate around 4-6 pounds of pizza dough. Converting back, we multiply by 16 and that would be 64 to 96 ounces.
Step 3: We will try finding the area of each size pizza and see if that helps us scale the recipe.
Step 4: The formula for the area of a circle uses the radius, so we need to divide each diameter by 2 to get the radius. Using the formula for the area of a circle we have
\begin{equation*} \text{Area of a 12-inch pizza }=\pi(6)^2\approx 113\text{ inches}^2 \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \text{Area of a 16-inch pizza }=\pi(8)^2\approx 201\text{ inches}^2 \end{equation*}
Since the pizzas will have the same thickness, we can scale based on the areas and divide to get the scaling factor.
\begin{equation*} \frac{201\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}^2}}{113\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}^2}}= 1.78\text{ times} \end{equation*}
The area of the larger pizza is 1.78 times the smaller pizza and we need three times as many pizzas, so we would scale the recipe by
\begin{equation*} 1.78\cdot3 = 5.34\text{ or about } 5 \frac{1}{3}\text{ times} \end{equation*}
Then to find out how much dough that will make, we need to multiply that by 20 ounces.
\begin{equation*} 5 \frac{1}{3}(20\text{ ounces})\approx 106.67 \text{ ounces} \end{equation*}
Step 5: We got a scale factor of 5 1⁄3 times for our recipe which would make 106.67 ounces of dough. This is a little higher than our estimate, but we didn’t take into account that we are scaling the length and width of a pizza, so our answer seems reasonable.
To verify our solution by using another method, we can set up a proportion to scale the dough. For the original recipe for 2 pizzas we have
\begin{align*} \frac{x\text{ ounces}}{201\text{ inches}^2}\amp=\frac{20\text{ ounces}}{113\text{ inches}^2}\\ \cancel{\highlight{201\,\mathrm{ inches}^2}}\cdot\frac{x\text{ ounces}}{\cancel{201\,\mathrm{ inches}^2}}\amp=\highlight{201\text{ inches}^2}\cdot\frac{20\text{ ounces}}{113\text{ inches}^2}\\ x\amp=\frac{201\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}^2}\cdot{20\text{ ounces}}}{113\,\cancel{\mathrm{ inches}^2}}\\ \amp\approx35.575\text{ ounces} \end{align*}
We need about 35.575 ounces of dough for two 16-inch pizzas. Now we multipy that by 3 to get the amount needed for six 16-inch pizzas.
\begin{equation*} 35.575(3)=106.73\text{ ounces} \end{equation*}
This is very close to what we got for our first method. To scale the recipe we would use the ratio
\begin{equation*} \frac{106.73\,\cancel{\mathrm{ ounces}}}{20\,\cancel{\mathrm{ ounces}}}\approx 5.34 \text{ times} \end{equation*}
It is interesting to note that while the diameter is 1.33 times as large, the dough required, which scales with area, is \((1.33)^2\) = 1.78 times as large for each pizza.

Exercises 1.5.6 Exercises


Determine which operation(s) you would use for each situation. There may be more than one correct answer.
  1. The number of buses needed for a field trip.
  2. How much you spend on groceries in a year.


Determine which operation(s) you would use for each situation. There may be more than one correct answer.
  1. The number of college credits you have left to take before transferring.
  2. The number of months it will take to pay off a credit card.


Estimate a reasonable range of values for each situation.
  1. The number of steps to walk around a city block.
  2. The number of soda cans that will fit in a large garbage bag.


Estimate a reasonable range of values for each situation.
  1. The distance from Portland, Oregon to New York City in miles.
  2. The number of servings in a standard cereal box.

Exercise Group.

Use a combination of operations to solve these problems. Document your steps and thinking.
You earn a weekly salary of $550 and $10 for each item after you sell 20 items in a week. How much will you earn if you sell 41 items this week?
You earn a monthly salary of $2100 and $12 for each item after you sell 50 items in a month. How much will you earn if you sell 130 items this month?
You are selling sandwiches for $10 each and your cost is $45 per dozen sandwiches. Find the profit on 120 sandwiches.
You are selling lemonade for $3 each and your cost is $12.50 for 10 servings. Find the profit on 80 servings of lemonade.
You ordered 50 shirts that you plan to sell for $18 each at an event. The cost was $9 per shirt. You sold 43 shirts and returned the rest but had to pay a $2 restocking fee on each shirt returned. What is your profit?
You ordered 70 hats that you plan to sell for $20 each at an event. The cost was $8 per hat. You sold 65 of them and returned the rest but had to pay a $3 restocking fee on each hat returned. What is your profit?
The grocery store has bulk pecans on sale, which is great since you’re planning on making 10 pecan pies for a wedding. Your recipe calls for 1 3⁄4 cups of pecans per pie. However, in the bulk section there’s only a scale available, not a measuring cup. You run over to the baking aisle and find a bag of pecans, and look at the nutrition label to gather some info. How many pounds of pecans should you buy?
Nutrition label for a package of pecans; Serving size of 1 cup is 0.22 pounds, Amount per serving: 64 calories, 71 grams of fat.
Soda is often sold in 20-ounce bottles. The nutrition label for one of these bottles is shown below. A packet of sugar (the kind they have at restaurants for your coffee or tea) typically contain 4 grams of sugar in the U.S. Drinking a 20-oz soda is equivalent to eating how many packets of sugar?
Nutrition label for a bottle of soda; Serving size of 8 fluid ounces is 240 ml. Amount per serving: 110 calories, 0 grams of fat, 30 grams of sugar.

Exercise Group.

Use the problem solving process to decide between the two options. Document your steps and thinking.
You have two job offers. One pays a salary of $60,000 per year. The other job pays $28 per hour for 40 hours a week with a $500 signing bonus. If the jobs and benefits are similar, which job would you choose?
You have two job offers. One pays a salary of $85,000 per year with a $2,000 yearly bonus that has the possiblity to increase. The other job pays $42.50 per hour for 40 hours a week. If the jobs and benefits are similar, which job would you choose?
In Exercise, if the hourly job had overtime pay at time and a half, how many hours of overtime per year would you need to work in a year to get paid as much as the salaried job?
In Exercise, how much would the yearly bonus in the salaried job need to be for you to get paid as much as the hourly job?
You are organizing a large dinner event. One venue charges $155 per person and you have a prior credit of $4,600. Another venue charges $500 per table of 8 people. Which venue is more cost effective?
You are organizing a large dinner event. One venue charges $950 per table of 12. Another venue charges a setup fee of $1500 and $40 per person. Which venue is more cost effective?

Exercise Group.

Use unit coversions and/or geometric formulas to solve these problems as needed. Document your steps and thinking.
You are in charge of drinks for a neighborhood block party. You need at least 100 cups of beverages. So far, you have received enough mix to make 3 gallons of lemonade and 6 bottles of fruit juice that each contain are 32 fl. oz. How many cups of beverage do you have so far? Is this enough for the block party?
You are in charge of drinks for a community barbecue. You need at least 150 cups of beverages. So far, you have received enough mix to make 20 quarts of punch and 9 2-L bottles of soda. How many cups of beverage do you have so far? Is this enough for the block party?
A pediatrician prescribes 0.5 mg/kg/day of a medication. If the child weights 33 pounds, how many milligrams do they need? If the chewable tablets come in 2.5 or 3.5 mg, which ones should be purchased and how many tablets should be given?
A doctor prescribes 5 mg of medication per kilogram of body weight. If a patient weighs 154 pounds, how much medication should they receive in milligrams? If tablets are 50 mg each, how many tablets should they take?
Parvina wants to fill her 2 rectangular raised garden beds, which are 6 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 1.5 feet deep. If bags of soil contain 2 cubic feet, how many bags does she need to buy?
Sidiki wants to fill a circular sandbox with a diameter of 5 feet and a depth of 1.5 feet. If bags of sand contain 3 cubic feet each, how many bags does he need to buy?

Exercise Group.

Use the problem solving process to solve these problems. For this set of questions, after you identify the information you need, click on the link in the question or go to Subsubsection to find that information. The details may be imprecise; answer the question the best you can with the provided information. Document your steps and thinking.
You’re planning on making 6 meatloafs for a party. You go to the store to buy breadcrumbs, and see they are sold by the canister. How many canisters do you need to buy? Information: List 1.5.8
Your friend wants to cover their car in bottle caps, like in this picture. How many bottle caps are you going to need? Information: List 1.5.9
A car covered in metal bottle caps with a sun design.
You need to buy some chicken for dinner tonight. You found an ad showing that the store across town has it on sale for $2.99 a pound, which is cheaper than your usual neighborhood store, which sells it for $3.79 a pound. Is it worth the extra drive? Information: List 1.5.10
I have an old gas furnace, and am considering replacing it with a new, high efficiency model. Is upgrading worth it? Information: List 1.5.11
Janine is considering buying a water filter and a reusable water bottle rather than buying bottled water. Will doing so save her money? Information: List 1.5.12
Marcus is considering going car-free to save money and be more environmentally friendly. Is this financially a good decision? Information: List 1.5.13

Exercise Group.

Use the problem solving process to solve these problems. For this set of questions, research or make educated estimates for any unknown information needed to answer the question. Document your steps and thinking.
You want to travel from Portland, OR to San Francisco, CA for a wedding. Compare the costs and time involved with driving, flying, and taking a train. Assume that if you fly or take the train you’ll need to rent a car while you’re there. Which option is best?
You want to paint the walls of a 6ft by 9ft storage room that has one door and one window. You want to put on two coats of paint. How many gallons and/or quarts of paint should you buy to paint the room as cheaply as possible?
A restaurant in New York tiled their floor with pennies. Just for the materials, is this more expensive than using a more traditional material like ceramic tiles? If each penny has to be laid by hand, estimate how long it would take to lay the pennies for a 12ft by 10ft room. Considering material and labor costs, are pennies a cost-effective replacement for ceramic tiles?
You are considering taking up part of your back yard and turning it into a vegetable garden, to grow broccoli, tomatoes, and zucchini. Will doing so save you money, or cost you more than buying vegetables from the store?
Barry is trying to decide whether to keep his 1993 Honda Civic with 140,000 miles, or trade it in for a used 2008 Honda Civic. Consider gas, maintenance, and insurance costs in helping him make a decision.
Some people claim it costs more to eat vegetarian, while some claim it costs less. Examine your own grocery habits, and compare your current costs to the costs of switching your diet (from omnivore to vegetarian or vice versa as appropriate). Which diet is more cost effective based on your eating habits?

Subsubsection Information for Problem Solving Problems

Here is the information for the specified exercises.
List 1.5.8. Breadcrumb Information
  • How much breadcrumbs does the recipe call for?
    • It calls for 1 and a half cups of breadcrumbs.
  • How many meatloafs does the recipe make?
    • It makes 1 meatloaf.
  • How many servings does that recipe make?
    • It says it serves 8.
  • How big is the canister?
    • It is cylindrical, 3.5 inches across and 7 inches tall.
  • What is the net weight of the contents of 1 canister?
    • 15 ounces.
  • How much does a canister cost?
    • $2.39.
  • How much does a cup of breadcrumbs weigh?
    Nutrition label for cannister of breadcrumbs; Serving size of 1/3 cup is 30g; Servings per container about 14; Amount per serving: 110 calories, 1.5 grams of fat.
List 1.5.9. Car and Bottle Cap Information
  • What kind of car is that?
    • A 1993 Honda Accord.
  • How big is the car or what are the dimensions?
    • Weight: 2800lb
    • Length: 185.2 in
    • Width: 67.1 in
    • Height: 55.2 in
  • How much of the car was covered with caps?
    • Everything but the windows, lights and the underside.
  • How big is a bottle cap?
    • Caps are 1 inch in diameter.
List 1.5.10. Chicken Information
  • How much chicken is needed?
    • Four pounds.
  • How far are the two stores?
    • The neighborhood store is 2.2 miles away, and takes about 7 minutes.
    • The store across town is 8.9 miles away, and takes about 25 minutes.
  • What kind of mileage does the car get?
    • It averages about 24 miles/gallon in the city.
  • How many gallons does the car hold?
    • About 14 gallons.
  • How much does gas cost?
    • About $3.69/gallon right now.
List 1.5.11. Furnace Information
  • How efficient is the current furnace?
    • It is a 60% efficient furnace.
  • How efficient is the new furnace?
    • It is 94% efficient.
  • What is your gas bill?
    • Here is the history for 2 years:
    Nutrition label for cannister of breadcrumbs; Serving size of 1/3 cup is 30g; Servings per container about 14; Amount per serving: 110 calories, 1.5 grams of fat.
    Nutrition label for cannister of breadcrumbs; Serving size of 1/3 cup is 30g; Servings per container about 14; Amount per serving: 110 calories, 1.5 grams of fat.
  • How much do you pay for gas?
    • There is $10.34 base charge, plus $0.39097 per Therm for a delivery charge, and $0.65195 per Therm for cost of gas.
  • How much does the new furnace cost?
    • It will cost $7,450.
  • How long do you plan to live in the house?
    • Probably at least 15 years.
List 1.5.12. Water Filter Information
  • How much water does Janine drink in a day?
    • She normally drinks 3 bottles a day, each 16.9 ounces.
  • How much does a bottle of water cost?
    • She buys 24-packs of 16.9 ounce bottles for $3.99.
  • How much does a reusable water bottle cost?
    • About $10.
  • How long does a reusable water bottle last?
    • Basically forever (or until you lose it).
  • How much does a water filter cost? How much water will they filter?
    • A faucet-mounted filter costs about $28. Refill filters cost about $33 for a 3-pack. The box says each filter will filter up to 100 gallons (378 liters)
    • A water filter pitcher costs about $22. Refill filters cost about $20 for a 4-pack. The box says each filter lasts for 40 gallons or 2 months
    • An under-sink filter costs $130. Refill filters cost about $60 each. The filter lasts for 500 gallons.
List 1.5.13. Car Information
  • Where does Marcus currently drive?
    • He drives to work 5 days a week, located 4 miles from his house.
    • He drives to the store twice a week, located 7 miles from his house.
    • He drives to other locations on average 5 days a week, with locations ranging from 1 mile to 20 miles.
    • He drives to his parent’s house 80 miles away once a month.
  • How will he get to these locations without a car?
    • For work, he can walk when it’s sunny and he gets up early enough. Otherwise he can take a bus, which takes about 20 minutes.
    • For the store, he can take a bus, which takes about 35 minutes.
    • Some of the other locations he can bus to. Sometimes he’ll be able to get a friend to pick him up. A few locations he is able to walk to. A couple locations are hard to get to by bus, but there is a ZipCar (short term car rental) location within a few blocks.
    • He’ll need to get a ZipCar to visit his parents.
  • How much does gas cost?
    • About $3.70/gallon.
  • How much does he pay for insurance and maintenance?
    • He pays $95/month for insurance.
    • He pays $30 every 3 months for an oil change, and has averaged about $300/year for other maintenance costs.
  • How much is he paying for the car?
    • He’s paying $220/month on his car loan right now, and has 3 years left on the loan.
    • If he sold the car, he’d be able to make enough to pay off the loan.
    • If he keeps the car, he’s planning on trading the car in for a newer model in a couple years.
  • What mileage does his car get?
    • About 26 miles per gallon on average.
  • How much does a bus ride cost?
    • $2.50 per trip, or $90 for an unlimited monthly pass.
  • How much does a ZipCar rental cost?
    • The “occasional driving plan”: $25 application fee and $60 annual fee, with no monthly commitment. Monday-Thursday the cost is $8/hour, or $72 per day. Friday-Sunday the cost is $8/hour or $78/day. Gas, insurance, and 180 miles are included in the cost. Additional miles are $0.45/mile.
    • The “extra value plan”: Same as above, but with a $50 monthly commitment, getting you a 10% discount on the usage costs.